Okay, maybe I am dragging this out a bit...

Gordon wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-06-11 at 08:30, Adam Ellis wrote:
>> This is a good thread...I'm all ears on performance enhancement techniques.
>> Regarding your question about sendmail...you can stop that from starting up
>> using the Service Configuration program in XWindows.
> As many people have suggested that, it may not be a good idea.  For now
> it'll work, but in the last beta Red Hat Linux was configured with a
> sendmail that was not SUID.  In order for it to function properly, you
> had to run the sendmail server.  Apparently that change was retracted,
> but hopefully it will be back at some point  :)

The typical desktop user does not need sendmail. Most of us are getting 
our email via pop, and sending mail with Mozilla or some other mail client.

If someone does not know whether they need sendmail, then the answer is 
real easy. You don't need it. So turn it off.

>> Kill anything that you
>> don't need - it will improve your performance a bit.
> Probably not much.  If it really is unneeded, it'll get swapped out, and
> the memory it was using will be free again.

There were two issues that were being addressed, user performance and 
startup time. Not starting all these extra services will admittedly have 
little effect on performance, but they WILL have an effect on startup time.

And more important, not running extra services significantly increases 
security. It is a MUCH better security method than blocking unused 
services with a firewall.

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