> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 8:33 PM
> Subject: Problem of NAT and DNS
> Hello,
> I just setup NAT for the Intranet...
> I found I must modify /etc/hosts :
>    client1.xxx.xxx.xxx    client1
> Then I can connect to ftp or telnet very quick...
> So, is it the problem of IP Reverse ( DNS setting ) ?
> Here is the setting of DNS :
> /etc/named.conf :
> zone "0.16.172.in-addr.arpa" in {
>  type master;
>  file "db.172.16.0";
> };
> db.172.16.0 :
> $TTL 3600
> @ IN SOA host1.xxx.xxx.xxx. root.xxx.xxx.xxx. (
>                                       2002112102 ; Serial
>                                       28800 ; Refresh
>                                       14400      ; Retry
>                                       3600000    ; Expire
>                                       3600 )    ; Minimum
> @ IN NS host1.xxx.xxx.xxx.
> ; IP addresss of eth1 is
> 254 IN PTR clients.xxx.xxx.xxx.
> Thank for your help !
> Edward.

Although I don't understand why your naming hosts with what appears to be a
public IP address for a rfc1918 address space zone -- the above looks like
it should load.

1) When you start named, do you see any error messages logged in
2) If the above zone loads OK, what does the output of "dig -x"
3) How about name -> ip resolution? What does the output of "dig
clients.xxx.xxx.xxx a" return.

Steve Cowles

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