On Thu, 2002-11-28 at 18:08, Ed Wilts wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 09:12:39PM +0100, Bastiaan Welmers wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Does anyone know where I can find the system requirements / advised system
> > properties
> > for any release of RedHat Linux? For example, until which version can I install
> > on
> > an i386 8MB Ram? 
> Actually, the requirements are on the Red Hat web site (after a bunch of
> whining by people like me).  I believe the current requirement (but
> haven't confirmed it) is 64MB ram for text mode, and 128MB for
> graphical, with 192MB recommended for graphical.  A Pentium or better is
> required.
> There is *no* safe version of Red Hat Linux that can be installed on a
> 386 with 8MB Ram.  All versions that old have serious security holes.
> I believe your best bet at this stage is to replace the hardware with
> something manufactured in the last 5 years.  Even a 5-year old system -
> which was typically a Pentium 200 or better - can be upgraded to 64MB
> Ram.  I finally got rid of a 7-year old P166 with 48MB earlier this year
> for $20.  A friend gave me a PentiumPro 200 with 64MB to give to another
> friend a few months ago.  eBay has multiple systems that meet the
> requirements with a Buy-it-Now price of around $40-50 (which is around the
> price of a Red Hat Linux box set).

As an added data point, I just completed an upgrade to 7.3 on my home
firewall box a IBM P90 with 32mb.  Text mode install went fine.  I can't
imagine running ANYTHING less than 16MB and not sure how you would get
it installed other than one of the micro distros.

although looking at it now it really runs pretty lean,

[bhughes@hughesfw bhughes]$ free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers    
Mem:         29496      24800       4696          0       9760     
-/+ buffers/cache:       4668      24828
Swap:       256024       1720     254304

Of course this is a firewall only with sshd about the only service other
than ipchains, soon to be iptables and will probably do the ipsec deal
again that I had running under 6.2 on the same box.


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