Van: "fred smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Even 7.x, which may run on a 386 will be severely starved for
> resources on an 8-meg machine. Red Hat's installer likely won't have
> a chance of running on 8 megs, not even in text mode. You may wish
> to look up the "rule" project, they have an installer (I haven't
> tried it, so take this with salt) that may work for you, though.
> But even if you DO get 7.x installed on a 8 meg 386, you 'll find
> yourself thinking of the end of the world as you wait for anything
> to happen. Besides a slow CPU, it'll be swapping its little brains
> out. YOu won't even be able to do 'ls' in a text console without
> a swap storm.
> Unless you're a serious masochist, you'll want to skip installation
> of all GUI-related stuff and just use it as a text-mode unix clone.
The machine only has to serve and to route. So no X window or
I think I won't even use a monitor, just only work with Telnet.
Problems with 5.2 is that no serious package - for example routing or
webserver - will run on it because the lack of kernel support and glibc

I want also use a i486 laptop with 12 megs of RAM, how can I ever be
sure wich version will work on it? RedHat 5.2 works without performance
problems and is fast enough, also with X server, but has lack of package 
support. So that's why I'm looking for a newer version, but before I'm 
going to download 1GB or buy CDs I need to be sure I have the right version.

> Does this 386 by any chance have 30-pin SIMM sockets in it? I've got a 
> good-sized pile of 1-meg 30-pin simms around if you would like to
> have some more.....
All sockets are full unfortunatly... I've tried 4 meg simms but they just don't
Maybe I buy a i486 with 24 megs of RAM tomorrow, but a pentium would
be more usefull, because newest RH I just downloaded needs at least an i586.
I'm already working on a Pentium 133 with 64 megs ram
and worked without performence problems with redhat 5.2, but Win 2k is 
disastrous to work with. Problem is that it's my webserver 
and mailserver on W2K too and I can't stop these processes to 
swap the OS.


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