Gregory Maxwell wrote:
On 8/29/06, David Masover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Conversely, compression does NOT make sense if:
   - You spend a lot of time with the CPU busy and the disk idle.
   - You have more than enough disk space.
   - Disk space is cheaper than buying enough CPU to handle compression.
   - You've tried compression, and the CPU requirements slowed you more
than you saved in disk access.

It's also not always this simple ... if you have a single threaded
workload that doesn't overlap CPU and disk well, (de)compression may
be free even if you're still CPU bound a lot as the compression is
using cpu cycles which would have been otherwise idle..

Isn't that implied, though -- if the CPU is not busy (run top under a 2.6 kernel and you'll see an IO-Wait number), then the first condition isn't satisfied -- CPU is not busy, disk is not idle.

But speaking of single threadedness, more and more desktops are shipping with ridiculously more power than people need. Even a gamer really won't benefit that much from having a dual-core system, because multithreading is hard, and games haven't been doing it properly. John Carmack is pretty much the only superstar programmer in video games, and after his first fairly massive attempt to make Quake 3 have two threads (since he'd just gotten a dual-core machine to play with) actually resulted in the game running some 30-40% slower than it did with a single thread.

So, for the desktop, compression makes perfect sense. We don't have massive amounts of RAID. If we have newer machines, there's a good chance we'll have one CPU sitting mostly idle while playing games. Short of gaming, there are few desktop applications that will fully utilize even one reasonably fast CPU. The reason gamers buy dual-core systems is they're getting cheap enough to be worth it, and that one core sitting idle is a perfect place to do OS/system work not related to the game -- antivirus, automatic update checks, the inevitable background processes leeching a couple few % off your available CPU.

So for the typical new desktop with about 2 ghz of 64-bit processor sitting idle, compression is essentially free.

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