Hans Reiser wrote:
David Masover wrote:
  John Carmack is pretty much the only superstar programmer in video
games, and after his first fairly massive attempt to make Quake 3 have
two threads (since he'd just gotten a dual-core machine to play with)
actually resulted in the game running some 30-40% slower than it did
with a single thread.
Do the two processors have separate caches, and thus being overly fined
grained makes you memory transfer bound or?

It wasn't anything that intelligent.  Let me see if I can find it...

Taken from

"Graphics accelerators are a great example of parallelism working well, he noted, but game code is not similarly parallelizable. Carmack cited his Quake III Arena engine, whose renderer was multithreaded and achieved up to 40% performance increases on multiprocessor systems, as a good example of where games would have to go. (Q3A's SMP mode was notoriously crash-prone and fragile, working only with certain graphics driver revisions and the like.) Initial returns on multithreading, he projected, will be disappointing."

Basically, it's hard enough to split what we currently do onto even 2 CPUs, and it definitely seems like we're about to hit a wall in CPU frequency just as multicore becomes a practical reality, so future CPUs may be measured in how many cores they have, not how fast each core is.

There's also a question of what to use the extra power for. From the same presentation:

"Part of the problem with multithreading, argued Carmack, is knowing how to use the power of additional CPU cores to enhance the game experience. A.I., can be effective when very simple, as some of the first Doom logic was. It was less than a page of code, but players ascribed complex behaviors and motivations to the bad guys. However, more complex A.I. seems hard to improve to the point where it really changes the game. More physics detail, meanwhile, threatens to make games too fragile as interactions in the game world become more complex."

So, I humbly predict that Physics cards (so-called PPUs) will fail, and be replaced by ever-increasing numbers of cores, which will, for awhile, be one step ahead of what we can think of to fill them with. Thus, anything useful (like compression) that can be split off into a separate thread is going to be useful for games, and won't hurt performance on future mega-multicore monstrosities.

The downside is, most game developers are working on Windows, for which FS compression has always sucked. Thus, they most often implement their own compression, often something horrible, like storing the whole game in CAB or ZIP files, and loading the entire level into RAM before play starts, making load times less relevant for gameplay. Reiser4's cryptocompress would be a marked improvement over that, but it would also not be used in many games.

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