PFC wrote:

Maybe, but Reiser4 is supposed to be a general purpose filesystem
talking about its advantages/disadvantages wrt. gaming makes sense,

    I don't see a lot of gamers using Linux ;)

There have to be some. Transgaming seems to still be making a successful business out of making games work out-of-the-box under Wine. While I don't imagine there are as many who attempt gaming on Linux, I'd guess a significant portion of Linux users, if not the majority, are at least casual gamers.

Some will have given up on the PC as a gaming platform long a go, tired of its upgrade cycle, crashes, game patches, and install times. These people will have a console for games, probably a PS2 so they can watch DVDs, and use their computer for real work, with as much free software as they can manage.

Others will compromise somewhat. I compromise by running the binary nVidia drivers, keeping a Windows partition around sometimes, and enjoying many old games which have released their source recently, and now run under Linux -- as well as a few native Linux games, some Cedega games, and some under straight Wine.

Basically, I'll play it on Linux if it works well, otherwise I boot Windows. I'm migrating away from that Windows dependency by making sure all my new game purchases work on Linux.

Others will use some or all of the above -- stick to old games, use exclusively stuff that works on Linux (one way or the other), or give up on Linux gaming entirely and use a Windows partition.

Anything Linux can do to become more game-friendly is one less reason for gamers to have to compromise. Not all gamers are willing to do that. I know at least two who ultimately decided that, with dual boot, they end up spending most of their time on Windows anyway. These are the people who would use Linux if they didn't have a good reason to use something else, but right now, they do. This is not the fault of the filesystem, but taking the attitude of "There aren't many Linux gamers anyway" -- that's a self-fulfilling prophecy, gamers WILL leave because of it.

Also, as you said, gamers (like many others) reinvent filesystems and generally use the Big Zip File paradigm, which is not that stupid for a read only FS (if you cache all file offsets, reading can be pretty fast). However when you start storing ogg-compressed sound and JPEG images inside a zip file, it starts to stink.

I don't like it as a read-only FS, either. Take an MMO -- while most commercial ones load the entire game to disk from install DVDs, there are some smaller ones which only cache the data as you explore the world. Also, even with the bigger ones, the world is always changing with patches, and I've seen patches take several hours to install -- not download, install -- on a 2.4 ghz amd64 with 2 gigs of RAM, on a striped RAID. You can trust me when I say this was mostly disk-bound, which is retarded, because it took less than half an hour to install in the first place.

Even simple multiplayer games -- hell, even single-player games can get fairly massive updates relatively often. Half-Life 2 is one example -- they've now added HDR to the engine.

In these cases, you still need as fast access as possible to the data (to cut down on load time), and it would be nice to save on space as well, but a zipfile starts to make less sense. And yet, I still see people using _cabinet_ files.

Compression at the FS layer, plus efficient storing of small files, makes this much simpler. While you can make the zipfile-fs transparent to a game, even your mapping tools, it's still not efficient, and it's not transparent to your modeling package, Photoshop-alike, audio software, or gcc.

But everything understands a filesystem.

    It depends, you have to consider several distinct scenarios.
For instance, on a big Postgres database server, the rule is to have as many spindles as you can. - If you are doing a lot of full table scans (like data mining etc), more spindles means reads can be parallelized ; of course this will mean more data will have to be decompressed.

I don't see why more spindles means more data decompressed. If anything, I'd imagine it would be less reads, total, if there's any kind of data locality. But I'll leave this to the database experts, for now.

- If you are doing a lot of little transactions (web sites), it means seeks can be distributed around the various disks. In this case compression would be a big win because there is free CPU to use ;

Dangerous assumption. Three words: Ruby on Rails. There goes your free CPU. Suddenly, compression makes no sense at all.

But then, Ruby makes no sense at all for any serious load, unless you really have that much money to spend, or until the Ruby.NET compiler is finished -- that should speed things up.

besides, it would virtually double the RAM cache size.

No it wouldn't, not the way Reiser4 does it. Currently, compression/decompression, as well as encryption/decryption, happens where the data hits the disk. The idea is, at that point, your storage medium is likely a bottleneck, and storing the compressed data in RAM is going to slow you down a lot, unless you're short on RAM. It would be nice to make this tunable (even be able to choose a % of cache to leave compressed and a % to decompress), for machines which have spare CPU, but not as much spare RAM.

I don't know if the architecture can be changed that easily, though. The place the cryptocompress plugin operates makes perfect sense for crypto, because it's 1:1 as far as space goes -- all that caching the encryption version does is make you waste cycles decrypting it every time. But keeping data compressed in RAM, while not generally a great idea, was once a valid technique on memory-starved machines -- I remember seeing some Mac software that claimed to double your RAM by compressing it.

But then, this made sense on a Mac no matter how much performance it cost you, because this predated virtual memory on a Mac. When you ran out of physical RAM, you got an "out of memory" dialog, and your program crashed. Some programs couldn't be run at all without a memory upgrade -- or this program.

However my compression benchmarks mean nothing because I'm compressing whole files whereas reiser4 will be compressing little blocks of files. We must therefore evaluate the performance of compressors on little blocks, which is very different from 300 megabytes files. For instance, the setup time of the compressor will be important (wether some huffman table needs to be constructed etc), and the compression ratios will be worse.

Hmm. To what extent are modern compressors based on a "dictionary" concept? I believe that's why we compress tarballs, instead of the files inside, and why zipfiles are generally worse than compressed tarballs for space.

If the dictionary could be shared, that would negate the setup time of the compressor and much of the loss of efficiency when compressing small blocks instead of huge files. The obvious disadvantage is potentially having to hit both the dictionary and the file.

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