-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Scarberry, Mark

 Well, Rick, I probably would not wish you a Happy Hanukkah or a Happy
Passover - pretty much for the same reason I wouldn't wish you a Happy
Birthday on my birthday or wish my Canadian friends Happy Fourth of
July. I know you do not celebrate those holidays so it makes little
sense for me to tell you to enjoy celebrating a holiday that you don't
celebrate because it isn't a holiday for you.


As for being offended by having someone wish me a Merry Christmas. I
don't get offended. But like most people, I appreciate being positively
acknowledged for who I am and what I believe. I don't experience that
when people tell me Merry Christmas. But that's a far cry from being


As for store displays, I am neutral between Happy Holidays displays or
displays that say Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah etc. Both messages
seem inclusive to me. A store that only has a Merry Christmas display
doesn't offend me. But I don't feel positively acknowledged by that
message standing alone. No one is obliged to say things that make me
feel appreciated or acknowledged. I try to say things to people I like
that makes them feel appreciated - but I don't insist on comparable
expression from others.


I suspect that with regard to spoken messages by sales clerks, some
businesses may think that having clerks say Merry Christmas, Happy
Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza etc. is something of a mouthful. So they tell
their clerks to say Happy Holidays as a way of being inclusive. That
doesn't strike me as being anti anything - although it doesn't provide a
specific acknowledgement of anyone's holiday.


Alan Brownstein


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