Bob makes very good points but I'm not persuaded.  Religious employers  can 
be required to report child abuse by their employees, so why can't they be  
required to provide legal boilerplate to incoming employees?     

If Bob is right, we have serious problems in my view. The public policy  
problem is that no religious organization is going to make such a warning  
without being prodded by the law (or insurance cos., but they do not  prod 
without legal --aka financial -- consequences).  So we are stuck  with obvious 
harm to employees of religious organizations but no solution.   I am a firm 
believer that the Constitution was not intended and should not make  it 
impossible for government to prevent or remedy substantial  harm.   

So that leaves the government -- charged with protecting citizens from harm 
 -- on Bob's theory hamstrung from requiring religious employers to issue a 
 warning regarding the state of the law.  So how does the government  
protect its citizens?  I guess there are several public education  options:
(1) public service announcement: if you are considering or are working for  
a religious institution in a religious capacity, you need to understand 
that it  is immune under judicial doctrine from anti-discrimination laws, 
including  sexual harassment and gender discrimination
(2) on every W-2, which the religious employer must provide to every  
full-time employee, right?, there is boilerplate saying the same as  above.  
Here is another option-- how about no religious organization can be  
eligible for faith-based funding unless it provides to its employees a 
that it is immune from the anti-discrimination laws?
In a message dated 7/16/2010 3:13:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Marci's  idea of a warning for ministerial employees would certainly be a 
prudent step  for religious employers to take on their own initiative, but I 
don't think the  state could impose such a requirement as a condition of the 
religious employer  invoking the exception in litigation -- the exception 
seems to me  jurisdictional, not something derived from a religious 
organization's claim of  autonomy (about which there is good reason to be 
but rather from  courts' constitutional inability to determine what is 
adequate qualification  for or performance of the ministerial role.

Bob Tuttle  

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