Dear List,


                Last week I attended a Black history Month program in a
federal courtroom, apparently sponsored by the District Court here.
Leaflets were handed out, likely paid for by a fund maintained by fees paid
by all attorneys who practice in the District.  The later lunch, which was
directly connected to the immediately preceding program and located in the
bankruptcy court, was also likely paid for by the same fund. 


                The program began with an introduction by a bankruptcy
judge.  It was followed by a payer, which was listed on the program, given
by a government employee of the bankruptcy administrator's office.  The
prayer leader began, "let's bow our heads."  What followed was a sectarian
prayer with repeated references to Jesus - e.g. - "you sent your son to die
on the cross" - and a conclusion, "in your son Jesus's name, we pray."  


                Many other judges were in attendance, including the Chief
Judge of the Circuit.


                I intend to write a letter to the Court, but I am very
interested in others thoughts on this matter.   


Thank you,



Mark Sabel

Montgomery, AL

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