While there is a lot of merit in what Eugene writes, it seems to me that he is 
identifying three arguments in support of the ministerial exemption:

1. It has strong historical roots.

2. There is a freedom of association dimension to it.

3. It is very circumscribed in its scope and involves far less judicial 
intrusion into executive and legislative decisions.

All are valid points. But I'm not sure they adequately distinguish why this 
particular set of religious decisions gets constitutional protection while 
others do not.  

1. Other religious exemptions have strong historical roots. 

2. Many individual religious practices have an expressive dimension and 
communicate the beliefs and commitment of the believer. Is the right of 
expressive associations to choose their leaders more deserving of protection 
than the right of individuals and congregations to express their beliefs 
through religious worship and practice? And if the expressive associational 
dimension of religious groups choosing their leader is part of the foundation 
of this decision, one might argue that freedom of speech and association 
doctrine undermine the claim that organizations expressing a particular 
viewpoint (here, religious beliefs) should receive greater protection against 
government regulations than organizations expressing an alternative viewpoint 
(secular ideas).

3. One could draw other narrow zones protecting religious decisions and 
practice that limit judicial intrusion into legislative and executive authority.

Let me be clear that I am not suggesting that the Court was incorrect in 
recognizing a ministerial exemption.  (I think it was correct in doing so.) And 
it may be that the historical foundation for such an exemption is so strong 
that it can be distinguished from any traditionally recognized exemption for 
religious individuals or congregations.  But I think there is more to this 
argument than the three very relevant points that Eugene identifies or that are 
captured by the terms "physical acts" and "internal church governance."

Alan Brownstein

-----Original Message-----
From: religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu 
[mailto:religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] On Behalf Of Volokh, Eugene
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 9:06 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Cc: Eric J Segall
Subject: RE: Hosanna-Tabor

        I agree with Doug on this, and want to add one item:  The 
Sherbert/Yoder regime put courts in the position of having to evaluate a vast 
range of laws -- antidiscrimination laws, animal cruelty laws, assisted suicide 
bans, child labor laws, compelled testimony laws, copyright laws, drug laws, 
tax laws, traffic laws, zoning laws, and more -- in lawsuits brought by anyone 
who could sincerely claim a religious objection to their application to him (a 
group that might start small for each law, but might well grow as the 
availability of exemptions led people, subconsciously or deliberately, to 
assert convenient religious beliefs).  The Smith majority rebelled (I think 
correctly) against having federal courts deciding in each case whether the 
government interest was "compelling" enough and whether the law was really 
"necessary" to serve the interest, which is to say against having federal 
courts constantly second-guessing the legislature's moral and practical 
judgment behind a vas!
 t range of laws.  (This is also, I think, why the Court has provided extremely 
modest protection against content-neutral restrictions on expressive conduct, 
both imposing in O'Brien a much more deferential test than strict scrutiny and 
then holding in Rumsfeld v. FAIR that the protection would in any event only 
apply to a narrow range of conduct that was expressive on its own.)
        Hosanna-Tabor puts courts in the position of constraining legislative 
judgment only as to a narrow range of conduct: church selection of ministers.  
Despite the Court's point that the right is not the same as the right to 
freedom of association, this zone of judicial control is already not far from 
the zone where judges have to protect expressive associations' rights to choose 
leaders and members.  What's more, this is a zone where there has been a much 
more solid and consistent history of immunity from governmental control.  And 
in any event, it's just substantively quite a narrow zone.

        So while the private interest involved in Smith and Hosanna-Tabor may 
be comparable -- or in some Smith cases even greater -- and the government 
interest may often be similar (indeed, Smith applies to antidiscrimination laws 
themselves), the magnitude of the judicial intrusion in Sherbert/Yoder is much 
greater than in Hosanna-Tabor.  And that, I think, rightly makes a big 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu [mailto:religionlaw- 
> boun...@lists.ucla.edu] On Behalf Of Douglas Laycock
> Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 8:42 AM
> To: 'Eric J Segall'; 'Con Law Prof list'
> Cc: religionlaw@lists.ucla.edu
> Subject: Hosanna-Tabor
> Is anyone convinced by the Court's distinction of Smith? Well 
> actually, all nine Justices were convinced, all twelve federal 
> circuits have been convinced, and twelve state supreme courts have 
> been convinced, with none going the other way.  "Physical acts" is not 
> the best label for the scope of Smith, but the basic distinction 
> between internal church governance and other matters goes all the way 
> back to Locke. It is embedded in a line of Supreme Court cases that 
> long pre-date Sherbert and Yoder and that peacefully co-existed with 
> Reynolds v. United States (a case refusing religious exemptions).
> Douglas Laycock
> Robert E. Scott Distinguished Professor of Law University of Virginia 
> Law School
> 580 Massie Road
> Charlottesville, VA  22903
>      434-243-8546
> -----Original Message-----
> From: conlawprof-boun...@lists.ucla.edu 
> [mailto:conlawprof-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] On Behalf Of Eric J Segall
> Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 10:40 AM
> To: Con Law Prof list
> Subject: RE: Hosanna-Tabor II
> This is the sum total, after a quick read, of what the Court said 
> about
> Smith:
> "But a church's selection of its ministers is unlike an individual's 
> ingestion of peyote. Smith involved government regulation of only 
> outward physical acts.  The present case, in contrast, concerns 
> government interference with an internal church decision that affects 
> the faith and mission of the church itself.  See id., at 877 
> (distinguishing the government's regulation of"physical acts" from its 
> "lend[ing] its power to one or the other side in controversies over religious 
> authority or dogma").
> The contention that Smith forecloses recognition of a ministerial 
> exception rooted in the Religion Clauses has no merit."
> "Physical acts," v. an "internal church decision."
> Is anyone convinced by this?
> ________________________________________
> From: Eric J Segall
> Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 10:34 AM
> To: Con Law Prof list
> Subject: Hosanna-Tabor
> So Title VII, a generally applicable law that was not passed to hurt 
> or affect religion (and in fact protects religion), does not apply to 
> religious groups.  I am not an expert in the Free Exercise Area, but 
> how can Scalia join this opinion? Am I  missing something?
> Thanks,
> Eric
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