I have to pipe up on this one. Coordinated repeaters
are a nice thing, but they are not absolutely
required. If you place a repeater on the air, with
proper PL access etc, and notify the coordinator of
this, they still have to consider your machine when
coordinating another. This has worked in cases where
these repeater coordinating groups have played
favorites - and it will prevail. While the coordinated
repeater will have the function of coordination behind
them, the coordinating committee does not have the
authority to assign exclusive use, not does it have
the authority to disregard sound pracice - like
ignoring a certified letter advising them of a
repeater on the air. The FCC has stood behind tone
access vs carrier access as teh appropriate way to
resolve "interference". Remember - the FCC is the only
one with the authority to license use. These are
shared channels and we need to share them fairly.



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