At 6/2/2007 06:58, you wrote:

>the interpretation and implementation of the fcc
>rules is not for you to deicde or interpret. they
>are the final word on whether a system that you
>may think perfectly legal and a logical
>application of the rules is legal  and they
>interpret the rules very literally.
>public service is not a criterion for their
>decision making.
>the rules as written is the rules.
>there are several guys on the group who have
>years of experience in these matters.
>paging as they use the term is broadcasting. a
>one way transmission and that doesn't wash in the
>amateur service.

97.201 (e): An auxiliary station may transmit one-way communications.

Amateur paging, at least as how I use it, is a one way transmission from 
the "auxiliary" station to the pagee, & is not "broadcasting", a 
"one-to-many" transmission.

Bob NO6B

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