* kf0m <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007 Sep 27 21:44 -0500]:
> Nate: you left out the other fun part of Kansas ham plates.  All Kansas
> plates have a sticker that identifies the county where it was issued except
> for ham plates.  We have a saying in ks, that there are only two types of
> hams with call letter plates in KS.  Those that have already been pulled
> over for not having a county sticker and those that will be pulled over for
> not having a county sticker.

Hi John!

I have heard of hams getting pulled over for a lack of county sticker. 
Of course it has never happened to me.  If memory serves that was
happening in McPherson county or thereabouts.  I guess that officer
would have had fun at Salina last month!

73, de Nate >>

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