
I remember it well. I knew some guys in Buffalo NY back in the day who had 
converted IMTS rigs (pre-cellular mobile phones) with full-sized 2M duplexers 
in their trunks!

In Buffalo, the first big repeater group was BARRA, led by W2EUP, Gil Boelke 
(sp?) and some fellow repeater enthusiasts who splintered off from the local 
old-fogey HF club in the late 1960s. (Gil also started a company called GLB 
Electronics, which manufactured early, aftermarket synthesizers for rockbound 
2M radios.) 

BARRA had an autopatch before there was touch-tone. Users fed a 400 Hz steady 
tone fed through a rotary dial, and the number was pulse-dialed at the repeater 
site by a relay.

One of my elmers had an Olds 98, and had replaced the large, round clock on the 
dash with a nicely machined backing plate that matched the look of the 
speedometer to its left. He used the blank plate to mount an actual Western 
Electric rotary dial. I still remember the double-takes when passers-by saw his 

Thanks for bringing those memories back!

73, Paul AE4KR

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 7:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] "Full Duplex"

  At 11/8/2007 18:13, you wrote:

  >At 06:02 PM 11/8/2007, you wrote:
  >>In practice, this would drive licensees and control ops nuts, because the 
  >>mobile station's audio would not appear on the repeater output, and 
  >>anyone monitoring the repeater would only hear the landline party, 
  >>without the mobile station's side of the call.
  ><---Not true. At one time in ham repeater history, running full IN-BAND 
  >duplex was fairly common (how I remember my days with a modified Western 
  >Telephone "Princess" phone attached to my full-duplexed Motrac!). A full 
  >duplex AP was quite nice to use!
  >To this day, I frequently run in-band full duplex. Just sort of an old 
  >habit :-)

  I assume your repeater doesn't have ADMs.

  Bob NO6B


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