
I built a UHF repeater in Orlando, FL which had this problem after I sold it to 
a subsequent owner. The site was an 18-story office building roof where I had 
secured a rent-free lease, and we were the roof's lone RF occupant. My group 
built and installed a weatherproof cabinet and AC power.

The repeater's subsequent owner was approached by a Part 15 wireless company 
with an offer of a free broadband connection at the repeater in exchange for 
housing a UPS and other equipment in the cabinet. Needless to say, li'l ol' 
442.250 acquired IRLP and APRS super-powers, but the kind of interference you 
describe was an issue.

>From a legal standpoint, we were a licensed operation, so under Part 15, he 
>bore sole responsibility for resolving the interference.

>From the landlord's perspective, he was paying rent and we were not. Nuff said?

Anyway, there were apparently off-the-shelf filters available for the wireless 
nodes which completely solved the problem on the repeater input. But they 
apparently compromised wireless coverage, (or the wifi guy thought they did, in 
a sort of reverse-placebo effect,) so he kept taking them off. Eventually the 
problem was resolved permanently by four hurricanes in one season, working in 
concert with his wind load profile. He could no longer justify constant antenna 

So, long story short, there apparently are high-pass or bandpass filters out 
there for wifi radios. You'll want to do some research on their insertion loss.

The experience in Orlando also suggests the issue is related to the radios 
themselves, not the CAT5, because we had it routed right through the repeater 
cabinet. I don't know if the ethernet cable was shielded at that site or not, 
however, because I'd already left town.

Hope that helps!

Paul, AE4KR

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ken Arck 
  Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 12:57 PM
  Subject: [Repeater-Builder] WiFi interference to UHF?

  I've started deploying WiFi nodes (500 mw radios) at my various sites 
  (so far, only one is done) and I've noticed some interference to one 
  of my UHF repeaters at that site. The interference is only noticable 
  on weaker signals (so obviously the interference itself isn't all 
  that strong) that manifests itself as a low level pulsing or clicking 
  sound "under" the UHF user. The WiiFi radio/router is mounted at the 
  top of the tower and fed power via the CAT5 cable (POE). The antenna 
  for the WiFi unit is in faily close proximity to the UHF antenna too. 
  I'm thinking moving the WiFi antenna a bit down the tower might solve 
  the problem. Then again, I'm not yet sure if it's an RF thing or the 
  CAT5 cable itself radiating (it ain't shielded)

  Anyone run into this before?

  I am Shakespeare of Borg. Prepare to be or not to be


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