when I have run Cat 5e I have run it in conduit ( out side conduit , it screws 
together) and never had a problem .. but then again there was no UHF ant 
there eather 

a little more $$ but it keepts at cat5e safe from the sun/rain/snow/hail .. 

On 22 Feb 2008 at 12:57, Ken Arck wrote:

> I've started deploying WiFi nodes (500 mw radios) at my various sites 
> (so far, only one is done) and I've noticed some interference to one 
> of my UHF repeaters at that site. The interference is only noticable 
> on weaker signals (so obviously the interference itself isn't all 
> that strong) that manifests itself as a low level pulsing or clicking 
> sound "under" the UHF user. The WiiFi radio/router is mounted at the 
> top of the tower and fed power via the CAT5 cable (POE). The antenna 
> for the WiFi unit is in faily close proximity to the UHF antenna too. 
> I'm thinking moving the WiFi antenna a bit down the tower might solve 
> the problem. Then again, I'm not yet sure if it's an RF thing or the 
> CAT5 cable itself radiating (it ain't shielded)
> Anyone run into this before?
> Ken
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I am Shakespeare of Borg. Prepare to be or not to be

Of all the intelligent animals, Human is the species that is least likely to 
from its experience.
That explains why so manny of us have more then one Border Collie !

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