Re: So where are these famous brats being sold?

You'll smell them the minute you hit the flea market... they seem 
to most often be semi upwind from Kevin/Ken's area. When the wind 
turns 180 the smoke blows toward my groups space. 

Some of us Repeater Builder Group Members are pretty easy to 
spot... we wear a yellow plastic construction helmet with a small 
wire metal tower on the top. Sometimes the tower is replaced by 
a vhf rubber duck antenna. 

These days a secret handshake might be a bit over the top... 
some people have clammy palms. :-) 


> "n9wys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So where are these famous brats being sold?  This will be my first
year at
> Dayton, and I want to be sure I take in all the "important" sights and
> activities.
> Also, what's the secret Repeater-Builder "handshake" or is the group
> any specific simplex freq?  Just so I know who I'm meeting when I get
> there....  hehehe
> Mark - N9WYS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: On Behalf Of Nate Duehr
> Paul Finch wrote:
> I may still fly out, if all the airlines haven't gone under by then.
> I want a braut.  ;-)
> Nate WY0X

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