One of the largest repeater systems in the US is just down the road on 145.190. 
 However, will be more than busy during Dayton.

Last I heard 145.19 had over 32 rcv sites and 7 distant city repeaters linked 

73, ron, n9ee/r

>Date: 2008/04/20 Sun PM 11:29:43 CDT
>Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] FW: Dayton and Parts you might need....

>At 4/20/2008 07:12, you wrote:
>>For others reading this list/thread, I am putting together an Excel 
>>spreadsheet of freqs that wil most likely be used at Dayton, so I can 
>>program them into my radios.  Feel free to send along any freqs you will 
>>be using so I can add them in!
>>Mark N9WYS
>One of the most popular local systems is WF8M 443.775 (+) PL-131.8.  Has 
>IRLP (node 4267), which makes it rather busy all hamvention weekend.  The 
>system I'll be linking my portable repeater to in Miamisburg (WB8VSU 
>442.300 (+) PL-123.0) also has IRLP (node 4235) but doesn't cover Hara as 
>well so hasn't  been very busy.
>Bob NO6B

Ron Wright, N9EE
Owner 146.64 repeater Tampa Bay, FL
No tone, all are welcome.

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