On 5/3/2010 1:08 PM, Jeff DePolo wrote:
>> I'm guessing I am not the first to want to do this...
>> I want to use a UHF Micor for a link. I want to be able to stop the
>> PL encode immediately when a user unkeys, but I want the controller
>> to be able to hold the transmitter up (without PL tone) for
>> sending IDs.
>> There appears to be no PL on/off gate on the TLN5731A encoder. The
>> only tone gate is Q703 which only gates the out of phase tone used
>> for reverse burst.
>> Other than using a mechanical relay to interrupt the encoder tone
>> output, any suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Paul N1BUG
> Pin 701 on the board (base of Q704) is PL Inhibit - pull to ground to kill
> the encoder.
>                               --- Jeff WN3A

Yeah-that's it!

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