My original plan was to let the transmitter PTT control the Micor 
encoder board as usual, but supply a "valid user signal present" 
logic input to abruptly stop the tone when there is no user signal 
present... thus allowing the controller to keep the transmitter 
keyed for IDs without PL tone. This would also kill the reverse 
burst capability.

But wait! (this is a little complicated to explain)

What if I divorced J401-2 from keyed filtered A+ on the exciter and 
instead used my "valid user signal present" logic to supply keyed 
filtered A+ to that pin? The controller PTT would control 
transmitter PTT as normal. "Valid user signal" logic would control 
the tone encoder.

Suppose I then put a diode between the collector of Q707 and J401-4 
(delayed keyed filtered A+) and used logic from the collector of 
Q707 (inverted) to pull Pin 701 low when Q707 shuts off.

I think this would:

1) allow the controller to keep the transmitter keyed for *both* 
valid user signals and IDs by way of normal transmitter PTT

2) allow valid user signal logic to control the tone encoder in such 
a way that there would be no tone output unless there was a valid 
user signal... and allow the decoder to do reverse burst after loss 
of valid user signal, then abruptly kill the tone instead of 
reverting to "normal" tone.

If anyone followed my poor description... are there flaws in my 
thinking? Perhaps I am over-engineering here?


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