I am new to RIFE, and find it a potentially very useful framework for 
developing applications.  I have spent a day or so working through the user's 
guide and trying out some of the examples.  They run successfully, but I am 
very confused by the directory structure which is very different from that of 
other apps I have developed and used within the Netbeans environment.  The 
major difficulty for me is the duplication of files, and the difficulty of 
knowing which copy to edit!  For example, it took me a while to work out how 
to get the friends example running - I edited the datasources.xml file to set 
up my postgresql connection and wondered why when the application ran it was 
still looking for a database called rife which didn't exist.  The answer was 
that I had to edit the copy under WEB-INF/classes/rep, not the one under 
src/rep which seemed to perform no useful function!

I have been experimenting with trying to create the examples such as 
01_helloworld from scratch within a more familiar directory structure, but 
this hasn't been successful.  I just get Tomcat errors about the resource 
being unavailable.  I suspect this is because RIFE is expecting a certain 
directory structure and I haven't created it.

My questions are:

(1) is anyone else using the Netbeans IDE successfully (I note that Eclipse 
and one other commercial IDE have plugins, but I don't really understand what 
these do)?  Or do I just have to abandon Netbeans altogether?

(2) What directory structure does RIFE expect for a Java project? Is it as 
rigid as wanting a WEB-INF/classes directory under the project root, or can I 
organise files differently?

I hope someone can help me with these newbie issues!

With thanks,

David Herbert.

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