On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 15:06 +0000, Eddy Young wrote:
> Eddy Young wrote:
> > Geert Bevin wrote:
> >> Hmm, so this seems to not be possible with a freeform ant project?
> [snip]
> > I don't think it does. But it makes sense as free-from Ant projects will 
> > come in a gazillion shapes, and there is no way NetBeans will be able to 
> > tackle all of those.
> > 
> > Try creating a new NetBeans project with existing sources. Then, it is 
> > easy to add your custom Ant tasks. Anyway, I find it easier to work with 
> > existing source rather than existing Ant scripts when dealing with 
> > non-NetBeans code.
> I forgot to add that NetBeans build.xml is very well structured, 
> allowing overriding the default tasks. This is very useful if you want 
> to add your own Ant tasks.

It is well-structured and don't get me wrong that's cool, but it's still
an IDE build file. So I prefer to let the IDE manage it's build script
and I'll manage mine. :)

The biggest problem that I see with Netbeans is it's library manager.
While it's interesting it it's own light, it really breaks a standard
practice of a lot of businesses/open source projects: Keep libs in the
source control repository. Granted you can still have your libs there,
but you can't attach source to them unless you add your lib to the
Library Manager and go wacky there. If the library manager was tied to
each project I'd be fine, but it's workspace/application -wide.

> Eddy

I'm using Netbeans more and more these days, so how others build their
RIFE apps with it is incredibly interesting. Thanks for the info and
keep coding. :)


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