Hi Eddy,

NetBeans 5.0 RC1 was released yesterday with further improvements and bug fixes, namely the ability to deploy/consume web services without the Sun Application Server container and support for additional application servers. So, it will be silly to give up on this great IDE. Besides, the final release of NetBeans 5.0 is due later this month.

Of course you shouldn't give up on NetBeans, it's one of the better IDEs out there. If someone tells you different, just nod and move on. We all have our preferences, and luckily there are the alternatives available to satisfy most of them. I think that the NetBeans plugin infrastructure and the graph plugin are very promising. If I even get the time, I'll start playing with it.

I have used different post-4.0 versions of NetBeans to create web applications with RIFE, but surprise myself by constantly finding new ways of doing certain things better. I will briefly describe how I configure my project to ease development with the RIFE framework.

It would be great if you would blog about this on rifers.org. Do you want me to setup an account for you? This is very useful information for the whole community.

(2) What directory structure does RIFE expect for a Java project? Is it as rigid as wanting a WEB-INF/classes directory under the project root, or can I organise files differently?

I think the reason why "rep", "elements", "templates" and "sites" (the main RIFE configuration folders) fall under the root source folder is to simplify deployment. However, these can be placed anywhere as long as Ant tasks are set up to look in the correct locations.

Actually the main reason is to easily and clearly find them. By having them under src and not somewhere in WEB-INF/classes inside a web root directory, they're also much more easily accessible.

Under NetBeans, such locations are specified in the project properties. NetBeans also allows you to specify your source folders, so the trick is to create another one for RIFE configuration files.

This can be done in three simple steps.

1. Create a folder called "rife" under "src" (which is the default source folder for NetBeans projects).
2. Add "src/rife" as a source folder and label it "RIFE Configuration".
3. Move "rep", "elements", "templates" and "sites" under "src/rife" so that they now appear as packages in the Project window.

Please see the screenshot for the final layout.

By doing this, I managed to make RIFE configuration files less invasive. My source code, unit tests and RIFE files are completely separated and easier to manage.

Let me know what you think about this. I will try and contribute this to the wiki when I have some free time.

Great! Please do contribute it to the wiki and blog about it afterwards. Any information on javablogs.com about RIFE is good for the adoption and the credibility of RIFE. Since NetBeans is blogged about a lot too, this might attracts a few people to help out adding plugins or other RIFE/NetBeans related goodies.

Thanks for these tips!

Geert Bevin                       Uwyn bvba
"Use what you need"               Avenue de Scailmont 34
http://www.uwyn.com               7170 Manage, Belgium
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com    Tel +32 64 84 80 03

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