aubuti;682766 Wrote: 
> Right, that's the way symlinks normally work.
> No problem, and glad you got something working. And since you rejected
> the two easier gui solutions -- (a) making a copy of folder.jpg or (b)
> telling LMS to treat the two discs as a single album -- to some degree
> you chose this PITA.  :-)

The way I have this album set up using the LMS Single Album option
wouldn't work as I want to have each set have it's own different Album

I haven't ruled out just making a simple copy of the album art but it's
good to know my options.

BTW what is the optimum size for album art? I normally keep mine at
300x300 pixels or less.


*Squeezebox:* Touch
*Server:* LMS 7.7.1 on Home Built Ubuntu Server 11.10 (64-bit) Intel
Celeron G530, 8GB DDR3, 1 x 2TB Seagate SATA HD 
*Playback:* HK 3490 Stereo Receiver | Polk Monitor 70's | Polk PSW505
*Ripping:* EAC v1.0 b3 to FLAC 1.2.1 --best compression. MP3tag v2.49
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