On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:40 PM, James Harrison <ja...@talkunafraid.co.uk> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> As Tim has already mentioned- why Windows?
> The amount of work required to port things like the core audio engine,
> interprocess communications daemon and other services would be
> nontrivial, and with Windows being such a huge step backwards from Linux
> on nearly all important points from the perspective of radio stations,
> where's the point? The only benefit of Windows is familiarity, and it
> doesn't take long to get familiar with Linux. We transitioned most of
> the desktop stuff without any training whatsoever and everyone picked it
> up fast enough.

Well... a bit of a workaround but depending and the reasons why, it
might be possible to put rdairplay on a box somewhere in a closet and
vnc to it from a windows box in the air studio.
> But as mentioned already- it's open source software. If you can write C,
> get porting! If you really had to have Windows for your frontends, you
> would only need to port (I think) rdairplay, rdlogmanager, rdlogedit,
> rdcatch and ripcd- you could remote the rest to a Linux hosted audio
> engine/import system... in theory at least! Still going to take you a
> long, long time. Perhaps better spent learning Linux? :)
> Cheers,
> James Harrison
> On 05/10/2011 02:25, Logan Corliss wrote:
>> Hi, I am currently running Rivendell on ubuntu and its ok and all but I
> also am really looking for a Radio Automation program that runs on
> Windows. I was wondering if there was any plans to make this working on
> Windows or if there is a code in progress that would allow Rivendell
> with all of its features to run on Windows. This would be really great.
>> --
>> Logan Corliss

all the best,


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