yea, I have been reading it too...

my first reaction, fire off angry email to the new guy, asking why the new
guy thought everything should change

so I waited a day or two...

Reaction still is why, and what for, I would like a clearer wiki, and by
clearer, I mean, maybe more examples, written for a non experience user, as
we all were that once.

However the concept of having someone new, coming in and trying a re-write
seems pointless, on of the strong points is the large number of experienced
people, who help on a daily basis.  I would think that most of them a re
likely offended, (as am I), and since it's likely that the "real people"
behind the software, wouldn't go there anyway.

There also could be a turning point, I remember when several other open
source programs experienced a similar "user base squabble".  In more than
one case, the developer, said "screw it", and we were all out of luck.

I say, leave it the way it is, we all learned to understand, and function,
so maybe the new guys should consider that too.  And from what I understand,
anyone can help write wiki pages, maybe that's a place to start.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Alan
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 2:08 PM

Just reading everything that is going along here, and I had thought of that
as well.  Big problem though is exactly how do you do it?

I mean there are guys like me that are starting out fresh on the latest
appliance, which a lot of that info doesn't apply (and can really confuse a
newcomer such as myself), BUT...

There are a lot of folks out there i am sure that are using much older
versions that probably use the wiki as a resource of information.

Off Topic, but not really-that is one of the BIGGEST challenges I have faced
moving to Linux.  Its not the *lack* of information, its the overload of
information, and you have to really pay attention to find out what applies,
what doesn't, and to which version's the info apply too.

Just my nickels worth.


On 4/28/2014 12:37 PM, Chester Graham wrote:

What about just getting the wiki up to date and better organized?

On Apr 28, 2014 1:33 PM, "Cowboy" <> wrote:

On Monday 28 April 2014 12:08:28 pm Larry Owen wrote:
> Here's a handy google tip.  You can specify to search a specific type.
> Try this in the google search box:
> cart error site:

 Wow !

 I knew google would do that, but I didn't know it would
 do it that well !

 Scratch my previous.

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