On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Jay Ashworth <j...@baylink.com> wrote:
> Those who do not understand Usenet are doomed to reinvent it.  Poorly.
> -- Me, after Henry Spencer.

Wow.  Usenet.  There's a name I've not heard for a while.

I used to spend hours on Usenet groups.   Waaaay too many hours...
[alt|rec].radio.scanner, alt.guns, etc.

Nowadays we have *so* many other replacement ways to waste time --
Facebook, Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, IRC, etc., etc., etc.

Life was simpler back then - if you could stay out of the newsgroup
reader, you *had* a life since there really wasn't much else to
compete for your time.

Of course, that was in my college and then bachelor days, so I had
time to waste ... now I'm married with children and have a job.  'Nuf


> I vote against.  Vehemently.

Ditto.  As if it mattered any more... Methinks it only matters to the
one proposing it.
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