I've recently loaded Rivendell 2.15.2 on CentOS 7 and am trying to configure an 
older Broadcast Tools 8x2 switcher.

The COM port on the system is configured as ttyS2, Rivendell host serial port 
is configured as /dev/ttyS2, I'm using the Broadcast Tools 8x2 selection under 
"Switchers/GPIO" and everything is configured as follows:

"GENERAL NOTES: Control is done by means of an RS-232C connection to a four pin 
RJ11 modular jack on the back of the unit (an adapter to a standard DB9 
connector is supplied by Broadcast Tools with the unit). Serial port parameters 
should be set to 2400 baud rate, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, CR/LF 

The 8x2 should be configured to use 'Mix' mode. This can be done by holding 
down the F1 button on the switcher while powering up.
Operation in 'multidrop' mode is not supported. "

Which I got that information from here:  

The Broadcast Tools is configured as switcher matrix 1 (local sound card is 
matrix 0), on serial port 0, and Rivendell knows that it's serial port 0 is 
/dev/ttyS2.  When I create a macro that performs "ST 1 1 1!" and run it, the 
Broadcast Tools goes to mute.  Really...Any ST command ends up in mute.  Other 
RML commands (SR SA) do nothing.

Any thoughts?  Rivendell is definitely sending something to the switcher 
because it does mute every time I run a macro.  My guess is it has older 
firmware with a different command set than Rivendell is sending.


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