If you get correct results in Minicom but not in Rivendell, the problem might be Rivendell-related.

But if you never get correct results even in Minicom, then you've got a hardware problem (bad serial port? bad cable? incorrect pinout?) or a configuation problem.


Я там, где ребята толковые,
Я там, где плакаты "Вперёд",
Где песни рабочие новые
Страна трудовая поёт.

On Mon, 6 Mar 2017, James Greenlee wrote:

As far as producing the "correct" result...That would be a negative.

No matter what the macro says, Rivendell always puts the switch into mute.

Executing a *140 directly into the switcher via minicom doesn't do anything.

So Rivendell is logging in to Linux as user "rd."  I just added the user rd to 
the group dialout (which has access to the serial port).  Now rd can run minicom and 
execute switches via commands punched into minicom (*11, *81, *62, etc).  Rivendell 
macros fail though.

I'm obviously missing something.

In my mind, this should be really easy:

1. Install standard Rivendell per the instructions provided:  
2. Configure host, setup serial port, add matrix as Broadcast Tools 8x2.
3. Fire up RDLibrary, create a macro, ST 0 1 1!
4. Run macro, watch the switch assign input 1 to output 1.

Sadly it doesn't work.  The Macro puts the switcher into "mute" state.  Minicom 
allows me to switch inputs just fine though and it's using the same configuration as 
Rivendell for the serial port.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Landry" <41001...@interpring.com>
To: "James Greenlee" <ja...@madsonics.com>
Cc: "Wayne Merricks" <merricks.wa...@googlemail.com>, "User discussion about the Rivendell 
Radio Automation System" <rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org>
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2017 3:42:46 PM
Subject: Re: [RDD] Rivendell and Broadcast Tools switcher.

On Mon, 6 Mar 2017, James Greenlee wrote:

Using screen, and executing a ST macro from Rivendell, I see an output of
*140 and the switcher goes to mute.  Executing a *140 in minicom does not
produce the same result.

Does it produce the correct result, though?

 It would appear then that the Rivendell "driver"
for the Broadcast Tools 8x2 speaks a slightly different language than
what my 8x2 actually understands.

As far as I know, 8x2s have always understood the same language.

Is Rivendell defining the serial port with different parameters than
minicom? Is Rivendell running as a different user than minicom? If so,
does that user have sufficient privileges to use the serial port?

In Wayne's documentation, you can execute commands to the serial port via
rmlsend with some shell scripts with screen commands.  I'm sure I can make
that work, but is there a way to make a "driver" for Rivendell like the
existing Broadcast Tools 8x2 switcher one?

UTSL ("Use the source, Luke").

Personally, I wouldn't bother, though; I'd have Rivendell run a
constellation of shell commands containing whatever language you need to
make the switcher work.

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