Hi, Drew...

This is exceptionally useful information, and thank you.

OK, so the current setup won't work. Not only that, my entire installation won't work - if the library needs to be stored in /var/snd/ then it DOES require its own partition - indeed, its own drive.

In addition, if I want to run both a Windows system and Rivendell on the same machine as dual-boot I will indeed need two libraries, one in native format (mainly FLAC plus some mp3s) under NTFS and one generated by Rivendell under xfs, probably on its own drive mounted at /var.

You note that Rivendell will convert all files to .WAV (even if they are lossy compressed, interestingly) so I need to allow a seriously larger space for the library.

I'm very glad I learned this now when I'll only have wasted a day or so building the system, and not some way further down the line, so I am very grateful for the comments.

Many thanks!
--Richard E

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