Observations based on your comments - for which thank you again!

On 05-Nov-18 20:58, drew Roberts wrote:

What does the windows system do with the audio that it cannot work with the Riv files?

The Windows playout system reads the metadata from the audio files and stores it in a database that points at the original files. While you can have it make a copy of the library on ingestion it doesn't have to. So the original files are played out, from their original formats.

While the Windows system could no doubt /play/ the WAV files produced by Rivendell, they may not contain any metadata, so it wouldn't know what they were. I know that WAV /can /contain metadata but very few applications do that. Does RD keep metadata in the WAV file or simply store it in the database? If you are going to all that trouble the latter would seem to be the way to go.

...If you use that, you use the compressed format you will:

1. lose quality wrt your flac files.
2. incur re-encoding losses from your mp3s.

I wouldn't dream of using a lossy compression scheme on the library. I just find it interesting that RD would turn an mp3 file into a WAV file (or a FLAC file into a WAV file for that matter), neither of which confer any sonic benefit. Presumably what this /does /do is to ensure that the system only ever has to play out WAV files and that files ingested will never be stored at /lower/ quality than they come in.

If you have room in the box, it is likely more than worth it to put in a drive for /var/snd..

It's not difficult OS-wise to add another drive and move /var on to it, so that's what I'm looking at. I can pull the DVD drive (I have an external USB one somewhere) and put a drive in there instead.

Many thanks once again,
--Richard E

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