On Mon, 10 May 2021, Brandon Anjeleno wrote:

Hey Rob,
I've had MANY issues with x11vnc running consistently on Debian 8 Jessie
with RD 2.10.3. It's configured to run in systemd. Sometimes when I try to
remote in, the greeter window is completely missing. When that happens, I'm
able to SSH in and invoke -- sudo service vncserver@:0 restart -- to restart
x11vnc and then I'm able to login like usual. If x11vnc freezes, the only
way I've been able to recover is to SSH in and reboot the machine, which
really sucks. 

That's exactly what I experienced this morning. You should never have to reboot a GNU/Linux box.

Here's a thought: can x11vnc be run in user mode, i.e. not as root?


Не думай что всё пропели,
Что бури все отгремели;
Готовься к великой цели,
А слава тебя найдёт.

Brandon Anjeleno
Station Manager
+1 (213) 839-7667

On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 1:44 PM drew Roberts <zotz...@gmail.com> wrote:
      x11vnc sometimes crashes on me. sometimes infrequently,
      sometimes way too frequently.
I try to be ssh'ed into the machine when using x11vnc and I have a
script that will restart it if it does crash and go away.

all the best,


On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 8:18 AM Rob Landry <41001...@interpring.com>

      I have a client who is running RD 2.19.3 running on CentOS
      7, installed
      according to the Paravel instructions. Most of his people
      are doing their
      shows from home via Comrex Access. They are VNC'ing in to
      the Rivendell
      system in the air studio to control rdairplay and doing
      their breaks live
      via the Comrex link.

      Most of the time it works flawlessly, but once in a while
      the x11vnc
      server will either crash or freeze. When it happens, the
      current song will
      run out and they'll be silent for several minutes while
      they go looking
      for someone to VNC in and fix the problem.

      This morning, x11vnc froze; I had to use kill -9 to kill
      it, and when I
      restarted it, the new process immediately froze. Only
      rebooting the system
      got it working -- not something I like doing when I'm an
      hour and a half
      away and there's no one at the station.

      I have tried downloading the latest x11vnc code and
      compiling it manually;
      that hasn't helped. The logs don't offer any clues.

      I know this isn't strictly a Rivendell problem, but I'm
      wondering if any
      of y'all have encountered it. Is there a better option
      than x11vnc? I
      suppose I could try vino.



      Не думай что всё пропели,
      Что бури все отгремели;
      Готовься к великой цели,
      А слава тебя найдёт.
      Rivendell-dev mailing list

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