Hi Stan
Haven't tried that one... looks good.
Many Thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 4:01 PM Stan Fotinos <sfoti...@rtrfm.com.au> wrote:

> Hi Rob
> I find that NoMachine is more reliable and performs much better on lower
> bandwidths and If this go wrong you can ssh into the server and restart it
> using the cli. You don't need to install the full version on the clients
> server/client just the client enterprise version (free) will do the trick.
> You can also try the NX open source version if you wish.
> Thanks
> Stan
> On 10/5/21 8:18 pm, Rob Landry wrote:
> I have a client who is running RD 2.19.3 running on CentOS 7, installed
> according to the Paravel instructions. Most of his people are doing their
> shows from home via Comrex Access. They are VNC'ing in to the Rivendell
> system in the air studio to control rdairplay and doing their breaks live
> via the Comrex link.
> Most of the time it works flawlessly, but once in a while the x11vnc
> server will either crash or freeze. When it happens, the current song will
> run out and they'll be silent for several minutes while they go looking for
> someone to VNC in and fix the problem.
> This morning, x11vnc froze; I had to use kill -9 to kill it, and when I
> restarted it, the new process immediately froze. Only rebooting the system
> got it working -- not something I like doing when I'm an hour and a half
> away and there's no one at the station.
> I have tried downloading the latest x11vnc code and compiling it manually;
> that hasn't helped. The logs don't offer any clues.
> I know this isn't strictly a Rivendell problem, but I'm wondering if any
> of y'all have encountered it. Is there a better option than x11vnc? I
> suppose I could try vino.
> Thanks,
> Rob
> --
> Не думай что всё пропели,
> Что бури все отгремели;
> Готовься к великой цели,
> А слава тебя найдёт.
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