2008/10/28 Paul Louden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Honestly, if you're going to disagree with me, I'd appreciate you not go off
> on silly tangents. The question of maturity was, again, in terms of not
> *lowering* standards for the sake of an increased rate. Which is what this
> whole discussion is about. You're saying we're too demanding of new
> features. That our barrier of entry is too high.

how about bringing them back to a sane level like they used to be?
18months ago we wernt having this disucssion, filetype colours, icons
in menus, and then custom icons happened. Would these have going in
today? I doubt it. the improved (read: pretty) line selector is
another thing that adds nothing. study mode only got in because it was
a drive-by-commit... oh and its still there...

Are these "mediocre" features? well they arent completly crap and I'd
like to find someone who can say they add something which was really
missing, so fine call them what you will, but 18 months ago here was
no problem with these, now (and for the last year at least) these
wouldnt make the cut.

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