Paul Louden schrieb:
It doesn't serve the community or this discussion to assume dishonesty in advance, and without any proof other than your personal feelings on the matter.

Sorry if it sounded like that. I didn't wan to say you lie at all about binsize. And I wouldn't think you're not honest. It's just that I sometimes get the feeling that the binsize response is exaggerated some times on particular discussions on propsed features/settings. Exaggerated by the means that one would agree to sacrify some (k)bytes it if the feature would fit his needs and habbits, but not if one doesn't intend to use the feature (and then rejected for binsize reasons).

Don't get me wrong. Binsize (and Ram usage even more imho) is very important and you should always take it into account before committing something, but the more the binsize is used as a rejection reason, the less believable it sounds at times.

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