> Sorry but I really have to disagree with you on this one, I wouldn't
> describe study mode or whatever it has been renamed to as mediocre or a
> useless feature.i really like the feature, its particularly useful for
> moving around in large audio books especially if whoever rips them doesn't
> rip them in sensible chunks but either leaves a file in one huge lump or has
> several hours in one file.

That's the point. You seem to find the setting very useful while someone
else considers it as mediocre. I could find 10 other settings that you find
mediocre while I would like the and think they are helpful. So, instead of
going by my habits solely I accept a setting that will not change neither
your nor my preference.

The whole discussion is summed up to: How to resolve preference conflicts
and how aggressive should the rejection policy be.

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