2009/3/4 Paul Louden <paulthen...@gmail.com>:
> Jonathan Gordon wrote:
>> you completely ignored all the queue options and the shuffled options.
> "Insert Shuffled" is not something you use when manually creating playlists
> very often. It's something used primarily in stead of manually playlisting,
> rather than as part of it. If you need to do it more than once, it's easier
> to just add everything linearly to the playlist then turn on shuffle.
> As for queuing, yeah, sure, I left that out. Again you don't use it when
> doing real playlist creation. It's for adding temporary items to playback.
> This feature makes "playlist creation" of the sort where you create
> permanent, saved playlists much easier. Since this is currently one of the
> most frustrating features (and many people stick to the PC for playlist
> making because of it) it's still a net win, even if we leave off queuing.
> All of the other options are basically not things you need a "shortcut" to
> because they aren't really repetitive actions. And even queuing ought to
> rarely be repetitive. If you need a large number of "queued" files you can
> still insert them and just not save the playlist.

replace "you" with "me" or "I" in that paragraph and it might make
sense.. We obviously do playlisting very differently... the fact that
you presume to know how I do it is well....

When I use custom playlists (most of my listening is dirplay) I will
often go looking for a song i want to listen to (or just add) and
usually dont care if its next or later... then there are the times i
want to listen to song A next, then do a bit more browsing and decide
i want to hear B next instead....
>From a purely technical POV there is sfa difference in the code
changes needed to do what I want compared to the current patch (maybe
a few extra lines).. more power to you if you never end up using it,
but you certainly arnt the entire user/dev base.

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