Paul Louden wrote:
No, this isn't. This is "having intuitive handling of numbers as normally written by people." People don't normally precede numbers with a 0 unless there's a specific reason to.

I'd think that many files will have names with leading zeros, especially if they are copied from a player that doesn't support natural sorting, where the user will have added leading zeros to force a correct sorting.

Also, you seem to forget the very reason that we implement natural sorting in the first place, which is to sort numbers in a natural way, so the user finds numbered files where he expect them to be, without having to change the file names.

Further, natural sorting strives to sort numbers in a way that humans *expect* them to be sorted. Leading zeros are insignificant when treating numbers, that is a mathematical rule that the vast majority of people knows. I dare to say that people in general expect the browser to ignore leading zeros.

If it sorts 007 after 6, I fail to see how it would be surprising to the user in any way. It is after all a well-known mathematical rule, and a rule that the major file browsers follow. If we claim to sort numbers, we should do so, and not change the fundamental rules of mathematics.


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