Ok, I've put a new item into the site configuration that defines a default 
time zone to be assumed when a calendar item is not UTC but does not have 
any time zone defined.  Frankly I think these calendar items are broken to 
begin with, but since they exist, we need to contend with them.  
 The per-user setting is a good idea, but I don't have any way to convert 
an Olsen time zone to a Unix time zone, so it would only work for 
calendars -- not for timestamps on messages or anything else in the 
system.  If someone finds a way around this issue, I will add the per-user 
 My next project is going to be the modification of imap_do_expunge() and 
CtdlDeleteMessages() to use the new bulk-move API.  This will *hopefully* 
be the final step in improving the response time when you move or delete a 
big block of messages using IMAP and you've got 30,000 messages in your 
Trash folder.   (Yes, I know ... empty the trash.  The problem is that I 
have an important user at an important site for whom "Trash" doesn't mean 
"Trash" -- it means "My Archive Of All Important Historical Emails")  

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