I get "An error occurred while extracting files." Tried several 
downloads. I'm using Debian Squeeze.

Thanks for any help.


On 11/05/2011 12:48 AM, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> ===== ROSEGARDEN 11.11, codename "Edelweiss" RELEASED ======
> The Rosegarden team is proud to announce the release of version 11.11 of
> Rosegarden, an audio and MIDI sequencer and musical notation editor for Linux.
> A long time in the making, this release combines a number of bug fixes with
> two major sub-projects that happened to come together right at the same time,
> and several completely new features as well.  It is probably our most
> substantial offering since the landmark 10.02.
> http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/

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