OK, thanks all, renaming to Rosegarden-11.11.tar.bz2 worked for the 
extraction part.


On 11/05/2011 03:27 PM, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> On Saturday, November 05, 2011, Abrolag wrote:
>>> I get "An error occurred while extracting files." Tried several
>>> downloads. I'm using Debian Squeeze.
>> Try renaming the archive to Rosegarden-11.11.tar.bz2
>> Actually it's probably the space that's causing the problem!
> The SPACE?!
> It seems your friendly neighborhood release technician completely screwed the
> pooch on this one.
> After performing the release, the big green download button said
> "rosegarden-11.11.tar.bz2" and I went into the file properties thing to change
> the button label.  In my haste, I changed the filename field instead of the
> download button field, and actually named the file "Rosegarden 11.11."
> How humiliating.
> I changed the filename back, changed the label, and everything should be
> working once this change propagates out to all the mirrors.  As of this
> writing, I had to wait 10 minutes before I could download the file, but it
> seems to be propagating now.
> My sincerest apologies for the inconvenience I caused everyone!

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