On May 12, 2011, at 10:06 AM, Anders F Björklund wrote:

> Jeff Johnson wrote:
>> Should the date in %changelog also be changed?
> You mean for the .spec input ? Wouldn't that invalidate
> all spec files, unless it's made "optional" (either/or) ?

Yep, "incompatible" (invalidate seems to hint that ther is an
agenda which doesn't exist) is why never done.

> Well, I live in a civilized country which uses ISO dates...
> But there's plenty of "middle-endian" date formats in use.
>> Or leave bad enuf alone for status quo ante "compatibility"?
> The big problem with the timestamps isn't the order, but
> the lack of a timezone. Usually meaning "localtime", but...

Timezone really isn't too hard to solve in spewage:

        Everything in UTC always.

and convert to local timezone however/whenever you please.

> For the YAML timestamp, I think a missing timezone _might_
> be interpreted as UTC which means the day could be off by one.

The "UTC always" enforcement can be done outside of YAML. And
there's little lossage in the format choosing to always add UTC.

Slicker would be to make "UTC always" a rule (it is since forever
for all RPM timestamps, anything not in UTC is a bug), and reduce
the markup redundancy, as well as the eye scratchiness, but ...

>> BTW, RPM got reamed years ago because %changelog isn't "standard", been
>> on my todo++ since forever.
> The "author" fields are also horribly abused since forever,
> but seperating out the release at this point might be hard ?

Yep. The added version is exploiting a bug in the RFC-822 e-mail parser.

> But for the timestamp I was just going with "canonical",
> seems like if you use a space it means "1 date + 1 time".

While there's all sorts of peripheral issues with date/time.

I was more asking

    Should spewage attempt typing (like date/time) or just stick with integers?

Lots of the peripheral issues disappear if its just an integer written
into spewage.

OTOH, integers are not very informative when read or grep'ed.

I still don't have my own clear answer, and both your changes
to YAML, and my changes to JSON are headed towards adding
date/time types in the spewage, which is going to open
up all the usual peripheral issues.

Either integers/types "works". I 'spose that explicit times is
easier to perceive as a "feature" ...

73 de Jeff

> --anders
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