Jeff Johnson:

> Nothing wrong with this patch whatsoever.
> But do note that there is a common API and naming
> in hdrfmt.c prepared for a major trash hauling
> one of these days.
> The additional integer argument "breaks" the rule and
> it literally does not matter until all the trash gets hauled.

I'll do the rest of the cleanup as well, then...
There's some changes needed for the SQL and JSON.

Though I did think that only the function vectors
(fmtFunction, tagFunction) were in the actual API ?

> The --queryformat code -- while quite general -- was never
> intended for (but is handling) the spewage load that --qf is being
> repurposed for. Can't be helped, can clean up the trash any time
> its clearer what spewage is _REALLY_ needed, and a commitment to UUID
> and RPMTAG_HDRID and RPMTAG_PKGID is a huge step in the right direction.

I'm not sure if there are any consumers of the current
metadata, so I'll just go ahead and change it I think ?

The yum sqlite looks a bit off in terms of table fields,
and the wnh mongo shouldn't need to store dbinstances...


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