Jeff Johnson wrote:

>>> Or leave bad enuf alone for status quo ante "compatibility"?
>> The big problem with the timestamps isn't the order, but
>> the lack of a timezone. Usually meaning "localtime", but...
> Timezone really isn't too hard to solve in spewage:
>       Everything in UTC always.
> and convert to local timezone however/whenever you please.

That would be better, just saw the code doing "localtime" ?

>> For the YAML timestamp, I think a missing timezone _might_
>> be interpreted as UTC which means the day could be off by one.
> The "UTC always" enforcement can be done outside of YAML. And
> there's little lossage in the format choosing to always add UTC.
> Slicker would be to make "UTC always" a rule (it is since forever
> for all RPM timestamps, anything not in UTC is a bug), and reduce
> the markup redundancy, as well as the eye scratchiness, but ...

Much better, similar to choosing UTF-8 for the encoding.

> While there's all sorts of peripheral issues with date/time.
> I was more asking
>    Should spewage attempt typing (like date/time) or just stick with integers?
> Lots of the peripheral issues disappear if its just an integer written
> into spewage.

Depends on the spewage, I suppose. For instance, JSON doesn't
have any specific "types" beyond strings/numbers/booleans/null
whereas YAML does... (like !!timestamp or !!binary and so on)
But it seems like the explicit type was not actually needed...

i.e. !!timestamp was overkill, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss is enough
That way it would work as JSON too, even if read as a string ?
On the other hand, it should sort just fine as a string too.
And one can append .microseconds to it, if it's ever needed.

> OTOH, integers are not very informative when read or grep'ed.
> I still don't have my own clear answer, and both your changes
> to YAML, and my changes to JSON are headed towards adding
> date/time types in the spewage, which is going to open
> up all the usual peripheral issues.
> Either integers/types "works". I 'spose that explicit times is
> easier to perceive as a "feature" ...

I think I'll change it back to strings (= drop the !!timestamp)
while keeping the :isodate format so it's still yaml-parseable.

The extra dbinstance column in the PRCO for mongo/json, is that
due to "reusing some" code from the sqlite/sql dumper perhaps ?

      <rpm:entry name="rpmconstant" flags="EQ" epoch="1" ver="5.3.9" 
      <rpm:entry name="rpm" flags="EQ" epoch="1" ver="5.3.9" 

INSERT into provides values ('150994944', "rpmconstant", "EQ", "1", "5.3.9", 
INSERT into provides values ('150994944', "rpm", "EQ", "1", "5.3.9", 

    - rpmconstant = 1:5.3.9-0.20110330.6:2011.0
    - rpm = 1:5.3.9-0.20110330.6:2011.0

  Provides: [ 
    [ '150994944', "rpmconstant", "EQ", "1", "5.3.9", "0.20110330.6" ],
    [ '150994944', "rpm", "EQ", "1", "5.3.9", "0.20110330.6" ], ],

Shouldn't that DBINSTANCE be dumped somewhere too then, next to 
the HDRID ? And what does the "Idtype" designate, in the YAML ?

Another question is whether "Id" should be changed into "_id",
or if that was just something specific to the Mongo database ?


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