On May 14, 2011, at 3:14 AM, Anders F Björklund wrote:

> Jeff Johnson:
>> Nothing wrong with this patch whatsoever.
>> But do note that there is a common API and naming
>> in hdrfmt.c prepared for a major trash hauling
>> one of these days.
>> The additional integer argument "breaks" the rule and
>> it literally does not matter until all the trash gets hauled.
> I'll do the rest of the cleanup as well, then...
> There's some changes needed for the SQL and JSON.

If the change looks like the right thing to do, go fer it.
There's no hurry or need, the hard part with spewage is
always encoding not coding.

> Though I did think that only the function vectors
> (fmtFunction, tagFunction) were in the actual API ?

This is a still feeble avstraction for the XML/TAML/JSON spewage.

The API I was referring to is with header tag extensions/formats.
That API is too limiting atm, which is why you added an integer arg.

>> The --queryformat code -- while quite general -- was never
>> intended for (but is handling) the spewage load that --qf is being
>> repurposed for. Can't be helped, can clean up the trash any time
>> its clearer what spewage is _REALLY_ needed, and a commitment to UUID
>> and RPMTAG_HDRID and RPMTAG_PKGID is a huge step in the right direction.
> I'm not sure if there are any consumers of the current
> metadata, so I'll just go ahead and change it I think ?

Go fer it. There is interest from UP in rpmrepo, and (iirc) cAos
was using for a while. Otherewise its just thee and me.

> The yum sqlite looks a bit off in terms of table fields,
> and the wnh mongo shouldn't need to store dbinstances...

There is "make check" in place for popt packages that should
detect the changes. Likely "off" because yum has changed, not
the sqlite chema. The python pickle for dirs has never been done
correctly, could be done with embedded python, otherwise RPM
is written in C, not python, and the yium sqlite schema is useless
for RPM and has an impossible to resolve "incompatibility" because
of the choice to put a python object directly into the sqlite database.

73 de Jeff

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