Short version:   Can any router folks confirm whether or not IPv6 DFZ
                 routers handle packets with the Fragmentation Header
                 just as quickly and efficiently as ordinary packets?

                 I argue against Fred Templin's position that
                 ordinary RFC1191 DF=1 Path MTU Discovery (and
                 therefore its RFC1981 IPv6 equivalent) is "busted".

                 Where is the evidence that networks filtering out
                 PTB (Packet Too Big) messages is a significant

                 To the extent that any such problem exists, why
                 should this be accepted and further protocols
                 created to work around it?  I think the networks
                 which do this are non-compliant with the inter-
                 working requirements of the Internet.  These
                 networks should change their ways.

                 I argue that RFC4821 Packetization Layer PMTUD is
                 unnecessary, over-complex and therefore undesirable.
                 Furthermore I assert it is *vapourware* - since I
                 can't see any evidence of applications or stacks
                 which actually use it on user traffic packets.
                 (There is a minimal implementation in the Linux
                  stack, which is turned off by default.)

                 My IPTM PMTUD system could work fine with minimal
                 length IPv4 RFC1191 PTB messages.

                 Fred says that his SEAL system couldn't work with
                 minimal IPv4 PTBs, but I suggest that if the
                 SEAL header was extended from its current 32 bits
                 to 64, with a 32 bit nonce, that it would work fine.
                 This would avoid the need for his current approach
                 of sending DF=0 packets, and having them fragmented
                 as a method of detecting an MTU problem.

Hi Fred,

Thanks for your reply in the "Re: [rrg] RANGER and SEAL critique"
thread, in which you wrote:

>> I read the current ID:
>> I used the term "jumboframe" to denote IPv4 or IPv6 packets which are
>>  up to about 9kbytes long, as opposed to the conventional length of
>> ~1500 bytes.
>> Your current ID and your previous mailing list message used the term
>> "jumbogram", which is IPv6 only and refers to packets of 65,575 bytes
>> or more (up to 4 gigabytes) - and which have a "Jumbo Payload" option
>> header.
> The terminology is has become a bit loose here since
> the GigE community began using the term "jumbo" to
> refer to their 9KB target. For SEAL, what I am
> meaning to say is that SEAL-SR can handle all sizes
> from 1500 Ethernet size (or smaller) on the low end
> up to all sizes of IPv6 jumbograms on the high end.
> I'll see if I can disambiguate in the text. 

I had never made the distinction between "jumboframe" and "jumbogram"
- but I only used the former.

When reading your SEAL ID, I looked them up:

This points to RFC 2675 - "IPv6 Jumbograms":

which explicitly refers to packets with a special "Jumbo Payload
option" - with lengths up to 4 gigabytes.

Jumboframes are ordinary format packets up to 64kbytes - and this is
what SEAL works with.

>> As far as I know, no applications use RFC 4821.  Can you cite any
>> which do?  RFC 4821 involves different applications sharing
>> information via the operating system about their experience with
>> packet lengths sent to a particular destination host.  This sounds
>> complex to implement and text - and I guess there is little
>> motivation for early adoptors amongst application writers if few
>> other apps do it.
> Applications do not know whether they are running on
> a stack that uses RFC4821 or just classical PMTUD;
> the use or non-use of RFC4821 is a stack consideration
> and not an application consideration.

That's not my recollection . . .

There are potentially multiple packetization layer systems in a
single host.  One is the TCP layer in the stack.  Others could be in
applications.  Perhaps there would be an SCTP layer in the stack too.

All these are supposed to share information - but there's no
standardized way of doing this.

   Most of the difficulty in implementing PLPMTUD arises because it
   needs to be implemented in several different places within a
   single node.  In general, each Packetization Protocol needs to
   have its own implementation of PLPMTUD.  Furthermore, the natural
   mechanism to share Path MTU information between concurrent or
   subsequent connections is a path information cache in the IP
   layer.  The various Packetization Protocols need to have the means
   to access and update the shared cache in the IP layer.  This memo
   describes PLPMTUD in terms of its primary subsystems without fully
   describing how they are assembled into a complete implementation.

So theoretically a TCP layer of a stack could do PMTUD not only with
the conventional RFC1191 (IPv4) and RFC1981 (IPv6) approach, but
could also attempt to discern the PMTU to a destination host based on
the assumption that ICMP PTBs were not being received, and that the
need to repeatedly retransmit packets above a certain size was good
enough evidence of a PMTU limit to decide the PMTU was a lower figure
than it would otherwise have defaulted to.

The only deployed implementations of RFC4821 seems to be a minimal
one, turned off by default, in the Linux kernel.  I guess this is
just for TCP.  Does it have any way of sharing information with other
packetization layers, in the IP stack or in applications?

If an application had its own packetization code, for instance to
decide how big to make UDP packets, then it would need to be able to
get from the stack any information which might have been placed there
(a Path MTU figure to this destination host) by the TCP RFC4821
layer, when previously sending packets to this destination host - or
by other applications' packetization layers.  Also, there would be a
need to update this information - and at the same time inform all
other RFC4821-aware packetization layers of the changed MTU value:

   If PLPMTUD updates the MTU for a particular path, all
   Packetization Layer sessions that share the path representation
   (as described in Section 5.2) SHOULD be notified to make use of
   the new MTU and make the required congestion control adjustments.

Applications with their own packetization layers are definitely involved:

9. Application Probing

   All implementations MUST include a mechanism where applications
   using connectionless protocols can send their own probes.

   . . .

   Implementing PLPMTUD in an application also requires a mechanism
   where the application can inform the operating system about the
   outcome of the probe as described in Section 7.6, or directly
   update search_low, search_high, and eff_pmtu, described in Section

So I disagree with your statement except to the extent of
applications which do no packetization and just rely on the stack's
TCP (or SCTP or whatever) packetization layers which may or may not
implement RFC4821.

Matt Mathis, who co-wrote RFC4821 has a page devoted to MTU matters:

There's no mention of SEAL or my IPTM approach.  There's a mailing
list which I just joined.  There have been 16 messages since 2005.
The archives are not public.  I will post some links to this SEAL

There were only about a hundred messages in the IETF PMTUD mailing
list over the 8 months of its activity which resulted in the
standards track RFC4821:

My impression is that this is pretty minimal for a standards track
RFC concerning a problem affecting potentially all applications.

The state of RFC4821 adoption is:


       * Linux 2.6.17: ICMP black hole recovery only, off by default

     As we gain field experience with wide deployment of RFC 4821 in
     the above two configurations, we will document any additional
     recommendations for implementors. Watch this page for future

I interpret this to mean that the single potentially used
implementation is minimal and is turned off by default.  I guess it
is just for TCP.

I always suspected that RFC4821 was never going to be widely adopted.

Firstly I can't find evidence of widespread problems with RFC1191 /
RFC1981 PMTUD.  I guess there are glitches, but if any network is
dropping ICMP PTB packets, then IMHO the administrators need to
change their ways.  This is a simple question of network
administration being at odds with the needs of a perfectly good
protocol, which normally works fine all over the Net.

The solution to bad network administration is not a new protocol.

Where is the evidence of widespread PMTUD problems?

Secondly, RFC4821 is extremely hard to implement.  It requires
communication back and forth between packetization layers in multiple
applications plus TCP and maybe SCTP (others in the future?) in the
stack.  Why should these trust each other?  How can this sort of
thing be debugged in actual operation in sending hosts around the
world?  It sounds like a development nightmare.

It seems it has not been implemented beyond a subset being put in the
Linux kernel and turned off by default.

Here are my current beliefs:

  1 - There is no widespread problem with RFC1191 PMTUD (or its IPv6
      equivalent RFC1981).

  2 - RFC1191/1981 is both necessary and sufficient to solve PMTUD
      problems.  It will work fine as long as the limiting router
      sends a PTB message and as long as nothing drops these
      messages by filtering.  (However, perhaps the fragment of
      packet sent back in the IPv4 PTB message should be made
      somewhat longer so that more information - such as a nonce in
      the payload behind encapsulation headers - can be found.  Its
      my impression that quite a few routers already do this.
      The ICMPv6 PTB specifies "As much of invoking packet as will
      fit without the ICMPv6 packet exceeding 576 octets.")

  3 - Therefore, any problems with RFC1191/1981 PMTUD are caused by
      network maladministration, and should be solved there.

  4 - So there's no genuine need for RFC4821.

  5 - Any document which points to RFC4821 as if it is, or will
      be, adopted to any significant degree is misleading.

I think your SEAL documents do this - point to RFC4821 as if it is a
legitimate, desirable or even superior method of doing PMTUD.  I
think RFC4821 is unnecessary and undesirable - and that it is vapourware.

SEAL is designed not to depend on RFC1191 PTB packets - but you do
rely on RFC1981 packets.  More on this below.  You go to a lot of
trouble to achieve end-to-end confirmation of packets arriving intact
or being fragmented en-route (at last for IPv4).  But if the Net is
going to be upgraded with a bold initiative based on RANGER, surely
part of this upgrade can be to insist that no-one filter out PTB
packets.  Also, if you can implement something as far-reaching as
RANGER, then you can also devise updated versions of RFC1191 to
return longer segments of packets, to include wherever a nonce is
likely to be, even with packets with considerable levels of extra
encapsulation.  For IPv6, the router sends enough of the packet to
achieve this already.

>> Also, the "ITE which hosts applications" is confusing, since in
>> RANGER, the ITE is a router.  Maybe you mean apps inside the router
>> which use TCP.
> Yes; app's inside the router which use TCP. I guess
> we can use MSS clamping for apps inside the router
> if we are concerned about them getting too large of
> an initial PMTU estimate.


. . .

>> In IPTM (for both IPv4 and IPv6) I send a pair of packets, one short
>> and one long, (perhaps a few copies of the short one, to improve
>> robustness) for any traffic packet which is longer than the ITR has
>> previously successfully sent to the ETR.  The ETR responds to the
>> shorter one, and tells the ITR if the long one didn't arrive.  (Also,
>> the ETR will reply to the ITR if only the long one arrives.)  These
>> are DF=1 packets for IPv4 and ordinary (implicitly DF=1) packets for
>> IPv6.
> I can see how the ETR can send a response for packets that
> arrive, but then how long must the ITR wait to receive the
> response? And, what if the response is lost?

I haven't completed the design - I expect the ITR should retry after
a second or so.  If it can't get any response after a few retries,
then it should conclude, for the next few minutes or so, that this
ETR is not reachable.  Normally the ITR does no reachability testing
for ETRs.  But in this case, it discovers non-reachability as a
by-product of PMTUD management.  It should probably not send any long
packets to this ETR address for a while - and then only with the
short ones as part of another attempt to probe the PMTU to it.

> I can't see how the ETR can send a response for packets
> that *don't* arrive. For example, what if the large
> packet was dropped due to congestion and not due to
> an MTU limitation? And, for how long must the ETR wait
> before sending the NACK?

Again, I need to work on the details.  I think that if the ETR gets a
short packet and no long packet arrives within 0.2 or 0.4 seconds or
so, then the long packet is never going to arrive.  So it should send
its response then.  ETRs are supposed to be connected via fibre, DSL
or some other wired arrangement. It would be wrong to put an ETR on
some long latency link.  Likewise, it would be a bad idea to put an
ITR on a long latency link.  (TTR Mobility complies with these

> IMHO, DF=1 for PMTUD is busted, and these are a few of
> the reasons why.

That's a very big statement which goes beyond your critique of how I
might implement IPTM.

Why do you believe DF=1 for PMTUD is busted?

Every application today uses it.  None of them use RFC4821.

Are all applications today breaking due to RFC1191 PMTUD being busted?

I see no evidence of this whatsoever.

>> I think it is bad to send DF=0 packets into the DFZ and expect the
>> routers to dutifully fragment them if they are too long - though I
>> know this should not happen frequently with SEAL, since it is just
>> part of detecting the PMTU.
> In-the-network fragmentation is a noise indication, and
> SEAL moves quickly to tune out the noise.

OK - I just think that DF=0 packets should be avoided in general.

DF=0 is an indulgence still granted to lazy bourgeois hosts in their
dotage, enabling them to continue their regressive habits of unfairly
burdening the proletariat of Worker routers with the responsibility
for slicing up and individually carrying and reassembling their
overweight, carelessly emitted, packets.  Come the Revolution . . . .

When IPTM sends a big packet (containing most of a traffic packet) as
part of its PMTU probing, if this hits an MTU limit, then it is
dropped, with a short PTB going back to the ITR.  With SEAL, in IPv4
mode, the limiting router has to split the packet up and forward it,
so other routers and the ETR have to carry all the fragments.  So my
IPTM approach is arguably lighter weight than your SEAL approach.

IPTM doesn't rely on the PTB. (See below for how it will be able to
work with minimal length IPv4 PTBs.)  As long as a PTB does get to
the ITR - which it would in most cases - then the ITR knows about the
MTU problem without having to wait for the ETR to time out and send a
message to the ITR saying the big packet did not arrive.  Also, the
ITR gets an exact MTU value from this PTB, rather than having to do
what SEAL does - hunt back and forth to find a packet size which is
reliably delivered without MTU problems.

>> Do DFZ routers handle IPv6 packets with the Fragmentation Header just
>> as fast as those without?
> I don't honestly know, but I sure hope that they do.
> Anyone from the major router vendor community care
> to comment on this?

I am not suggesting they don't - but it would be good to find out.

>> With IPv6, does SEAL detect its encapsulated packets being too long
>> for the ITE to ETE PMTU by relying on ICMP PTB messages from the
>> limiting router in the ITE to ETE path?  (AFAIK, IPv6 packets are
>> never fragmented by ordinary routers.)  If so, then why not do the
>> same with IPv4 packets?
> ICMPv6's are guaranteed to include a sufficient portion
> of the original packet whereas ICMPv4's are not. Hence,
> the theory is that the ITE can "match up" the ICMPv6s
> with actual packets that cause the PTB. Also the ICMPv6's
> can readily be translated into PTBs to send back to the
> original source while ICMPv4's may not contain enough
> data for translation.

OK - thanks for explaining the reasons for these different approaches.

I think these deficiencies with IPv4 PTBs relate to any routers which
only return the minimum number of bytes specified in RFC1191, which
is the IPv4 header and the next 8 bytes.

I recall people writing in the past that most routers send back more
than this.

I understand that all TCP layers in all IPv4 stacks rely on RFC1191
PMTUD for their proper operation.  As far as I know, there are no
problems with this, other than whatever level of difficulty is caused
by the occasional network dropping PTB packets.  However, this is for
packets which are being forwarded in their original form.

I guess applications and encryption functions within them deal
achieve IPv4 PMTUD via the same RFC1191 mechanisms.

It is trickier with an ITR using encapsulation to tunnel a traffic
packet to an ETR.

When an ITR encapsulates the packet, and the limiting router only
sends back 8 bytes after the outer IPv4 header, then there is not
enough of the inner packet to send back a valid PTB to the sending
host.  That's OK if the ITR caches enough of the original packet for
this purpose.  The real question is whether the returned IPv4 header
and the next 8 bytes enables the ITR to:

  1 - Match the PTB against a packet it tunneled to this ITR, so
      that the ITR knows which sending host the original packet
      came from - and to identify the correct initial part of that
      packet in its cache (which exists for this purpose alone).

  2 - Whether the ITR can recognise this securely enough to avoid
      spoofing attacks.

In Ivip, most traffic packets are encapsulated by the ITR with the
sending host's address as the outer header's source address.  Any PTB
which results from those goes to the sending host, which will not
recognise it.

Ivip's PMTUD management is done via the ITR using the IPTM (also my
invention - yet to be fully designed) protocol to carry traffic
packets in a pair of probe packets, whenever the traffic packet, if
normally encapsulated, would exceed the lower limit of the ITR's Zone
of Uncertainty about the real MTU to this particular ETR.

Both these packets are UDP packets.  The long one (B) has the ITR's
address in the outer header.  The smaller one (A) - of which multiple
may be sent for inexpensive robustness improvement - uses the sending
host's address in the outer header.

Here I consider how IPTM:

would work if the router only sent back 8 bytes following the IP
header of the long probe packet.  (This is only for these long probe
packets, which are accompanied by a shorter packet, or multiple
copies of the shorter packet - but the shorter packets will never
result in valid PTBs.)

If IPTM accepted a PTB from a long (B) packet, purely on the basis of
the IP header and the next 8 bytes being returned, and assuming this
set of probe packets resulted from a traffic packet specifically
generated by the attacker, then what would the attacker need to guess
in order to successfully have the ITR accept the spoofed PTB packet.

The aim of the attacker is DoS by having the ITR accept a lower than
genuine PMTU to this ETR - so it is not a disaster, just a cause of
less efficiency for the next ten minutes or so before the one or more
affected sending hosts tries its luck with a larger packet, as is
allowed and expected by RFC1191.

In this scenario, the ITR gets back just the IPv4 header and the UDP
header.  The attacker has to guess the 16 bit ID field in the IPv4
header, which is tricky - but it could eventually succeed in doing
so.  Here are the components of the UDP header:

  Source port     The ITR could use a randomized source port.  This,
                  combined with the 16 bit ID field, could extend
                  the number of bits to be guessed to 32 - which
                  I think is sufficiently secure, considering a
                  successful attack only degrades efficiency, rather
                  than causes actual loss of connectivity.

  Destination port   Currently, I assume there is a single UDP port
                  on all ETRs to send the long (B) packet to.  If
                  I could easily randomize this too - such as making
                  the most significant 8 bits fixed, and the others
                  up to the ITR to choose.

                  This would be 40 random bits - perfectly secure
                  considering the moderate level of DoS the attack
                  could result in.

  Length          If the attacker created the traffic packet, they
                  would know the length of what follows the UDP

  Checksum        Ahhh - this is not a header checksum.  This covers
                  the data behind the UDP header.  This data is
                  mainly from the traffic packet, but it contains
                  a nonce.  So the 16 bit checksum is affected by
                  the nonce.

I hadn't realised this before - the UDP checksum contains another
16 bits the attacker has to guess.  Combined with the IPv4 header's
16 bit ID field, I think this makes it highly secure.  If this is
not enough, the 16 bit random ITR source UDP port should be sufficient.

So the ITR doesn't need any more bits than are necessarily supplied
by a minimally compliant RFC1191 implementation in the router which
sends the PTB.

How would this work for SEAL?

At present, for IPv4 and IPv4, your ITE (ITR) functions emit packets
with an outer header of IPv4 or IPv6, followed by a 32 bit SEAL header.

Immediately following the SEAL header you may have some "mid-layer
headers" which I don't properly understand.  Then you have the IPv4
or IPv6 traffic packet, or perhaps a segment of it.

You could make the SEAL ITE work fine with minimal length IPv4 PTBs
if the SEAL header was extended to 64 bits, with the additional 32
bits being a nonce.  That would always be returned in any PTB.

So I think your objection to using RFC1191 PTBs should only be based
on your concern about the PTBs being systematically dropped due to

I assert that such filtering is a symptom of a badly administered
network - and that it should be fixed in the network, not worked
around with a protocol such as SEAL or IPTM.

> Other than that, both ICMPv6's and ICMPv4's can be dropped
> by filtering gateways so both IPv6 and IPv4 are susceptible
> to black-holing. But, for the non-fragmenting IPv6 network
> using DF=1 this is the best we can do; for IPv4 we can do
> better by using DF=0.    

I just showed you can do both IPv4 and IPv6 the same way with a nonce
in the SEAL header.

What evidence can you show me for filtering of PTBs being a
significant problem in today's Internet?

To the extent that this is true, surely if you can upgrade the Net
along the lines of RANGER, then you can have a BCP that any network
which filters PTBs is not compliant with the basic requirements of
the Net.

>> Assuming the above-mentioned approaches enable each SEAL ITE to
>> discover the actual PMTU to a given ETE (and to probe occasionally to
>> see if the value has increased), and assuming it uses this to send
>> PTB packets to the SH in order that subsequently emitted packets will
>> be of the right size, once encapsulated, to not exceed this PMTU,
>> then what is the purpose of the SEAL segmentation system?
>>    Actually, it is trickier.  The one SH may be sending to multiple
>>    destination hosts (DHs) all of which are for one or more EID
>>    prefixes for which the ITE is currently tunneling to a given ETE.
>>    Then the ITE needs to send the SH a separate PTB for each too-long
>>    packet it sends to each such DH.  Also, there may be multiple such
>>    SHs using this ITE whose packets will be tunneled to this ETE.
>> If the SH sends a really long IPv4 DF=0 packet, the ITE will use
>> ordinary IPv4 fragmentation to turn it into multiple shorter fragment
>> packets, before SEAL processing.  (I think, come the Revolution, that
>> DF=0 packets longer than some value like 1450 bytes or similar should
>> be *dropped* - applications are expecting too much of the Network to
>> fragment and carry the fragments of their excessively long packets.
>> Applications have had since 1991 - RFC 1191 - to change their
>> free-loading ways.)
>> Under what circumstances would SEAL segmentation be used?
> SEAL is intended not only for the core routers we usually
> talk about in RRG, but also for any ITR/ETR routers
> deployed in any operational scenario. For example, we
> would never ask core routers to do segmentation and
> reassembly (hence the recommendation for SEAL-FS in
> those environments). 


> But, we might want to ask routers
> in edge networks (e.g., MANET routers, CPE routers in
> ISP networks, etc.) to do segmentation and reassembly
> in order to avoid having to constantly tell hosts to
> reduce their PMTU estimate to a degenerate size (i.e.,
> anything less that 1500). So, in those environments
> we would recommend SEAL-SR.

> Thanks - Fred

OK - this makes sense.  Thanks for discussing this in detail.

 - Robin

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