Martin Pool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 31 May 2001, thomas graichen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> did anyone here get rsync tunneled through ssh working so far?
>> just to make clear what i mean: i only have an ssh connection
>> to a host b (say mine is host a) and want to rsync stuff from
>> host c this way (because i can't do it directly due to fire-
>> wall limitations)

> There probably is a solution to forwarding ports this way, but why 
> not just use plain ssh connections?  (OK, I can imagine a couple of 
> cases, where perhaps you want many machines on the originating end
> to share the tunnel.  But that won't be allowed using the 
> ssh syntax you showed.)

because i want to connect to a public rsync server on the other
end which does not allow me to ssh to it usually ... for
instance for getting rsync via rsync :-)

... or maybe i am getting something wrong here - then please
tell me

>> host-a> ssh -L873:host-c:873 host-b
>> host-b>
>> then also on host a
>> host-a> rsync -av localhost::something .
>> always only results in
>> @ERROR: protocol startup error
>> which (as far as i can see) comes from the other end server's
>> clientserver.c because he can't see me - but why? - i tried it
>> several times with different machines - i even get the motd of
>> the server if it has one before the above error - so the
>> connection and the forwarding seems to work ... i use rsync
>> 2.4.6 and openssh 2.5.2 ... any ideas anyone? did anyone get
>> something like this working? (and just to make it clear again:
>> this has nothing to do with the "-e ssh" option - just to
>> avoid confusion - i am talking about tunneling the 873 rsync
>> port through ssh)

> That should work.

> Perhaps rsync at the other end is very old?  

one i tried was the rsync server on - i assume it
to be up to date - right?

> You must be root on host-a to be able to forward ports under 1024.  
> Does it work if you use a different local port number, e.g.

>   host-a> ssh -L 8730:host-c:873 host-b
>   host-a> rsync -av --port 8730 localhost::

> What happens if you use ssh -v?  Do you see messages about 
> connections being forwarded?

yes - portforwarding works (as said: you even get the motd
from the server if it has one and the @ERROR message is also
generated from the server side!)

any other ideas? - again - thanks in advance


thomas graichen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ... perfection is reached, not
when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no
longer anything to take away. --- antoine de saint-exupery

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