On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 02:45:51PM -0600, Rolf Krogstad wrote:
>    How would I get all the custom fields into the Display Format drop down 
> lists ...
>    or How would I get all the Fields into the Export specs?

They show up for me, CustomField.{Foo} at the bottom of the Add Column

>    I tried putting the Results.tsv file from v3.6.6 and put that into 
> v4.0.10, but it made no
>    difference.
>    That was in my /opt/rt4/share/html/Search directory.
>    I assume that there is no compile needed to do such a change, but I know 
> nothing about
>    changing the software.
>    My experience is limited to installing and upgrading RT.

I suggest you revert this change as quickly as possible.
Next time someone clears your mason cache, that code will start
running and explode.


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