Hey Schalk,

Not to make your life more confusing than it already is but...

You have three ways to go for your database, they're all supported
within RoR.  I've run all three in my environment but I haven't done
anything with Vista.

1) sqlite3 - only need to install one gem, memory resident, good for
first apps and rapid prototyping.  This is the database that rails
sets you up for by default.  "gem install sqlite3-ruby"  I can't
recall if this gem is installed as part of the rails gem or not.

2) MySql - need to install the MySql server (or point at somebody
else's :-), a db management app, and gem.  Real industrial strength
for the growth path we all hope we need.  You'll need to learn to do
limited database management work, not huge but can take time away from
app work.

Go to http://www.mysql.com/ and follow the download pointers for the
"community server" for your system, it's free.  You'll also need to
get the mysql-ruby gem.  If you can find a pre-built version for your
system that might be a good approach, otherwise it'll need to be
compiled which means you'll want a c compiler (gcc is fine and
free).   The gem source lives at http://www.tmtm.org/en/mysql/ruby/.
I go there because the only version  that currently "gem install"s was
released in August 2005.  I know I've seen some bug fix chatter
related to windows in the later versions so you might end up there as
well - if you can't find a built package for your machine.

Like the time it takes to learn to dbadmin, this will take time - less
than a coffee if all goes well.  The compilation step should be
automatically done as part of the gem install but I know this isn't
always fire and forget.  There's also a version

3) postgreSQL - similar situation to mysql, load an application and a
gem - the gem needs to be compiled if you can't find one packaged for
your environment.  The app and admin tool both come from
http://wiki.rubyonrails.org/rails/pages/PostgreSQL.  This is also the
place to go for documentation, wiki chatter, et al.  Nice site in

There are at least three variants of the gem - postgres, postgres-pr,
and pg.  pg is the one that works right now, pg ( is
what you should see with "gem list pg --remote".  This one will
compile during the install so once again you'll want a c compiler on
Go to http://rubyforge.org/projects/ruby-pg for the gem source if you
need to.

So there you go.  Probably way more than you wanted to know but what
the hea, you asked.

My advise would be to start with sqlite and get comfortable with how
RoR works in your box.  I don't know anything about your general level
of comfort / experience so, obviously, you do what feels right.
Honestly, the only limit I've found with sqlite is I haven't yet
puzzled out how to look at the tables - like with one of the dbadmin

By the way, what are you using for an editor?  And do you have a unix-
like interface available?

tally ho,

On Nov 24, 2:19 pm, Schalk Neethling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there Rick,
> I have given up on the Rakismet plugin and will go with the Railscast
> solution, if it works for them it will work for me. Now my problem is
> getting a working MySQL gem installed to use along Rails 2.2.2 or even
> 2.1.2.
> If you or anyone else have some pointers I am all ears. BTW, I am on
> Windows Vista.
> Thanks,
> Schalk
> Rick wrote:
> > Hi Schalk,
> > I've noticed that myself.  It seems that at some point the what
> > gemspec file got corrupted or abandoned or your guess goes here in
> > gold.  You've got maybe three options available.
> > 1) Find a pre-built gem in whatever passes for package format on your
> > os.
> > 2) Build your own gemspec to acompany the available source, build and
> > install your own local gem.
> > 3) Find someone who can provide you with some more options.
> > I might be able to help you with option 2 if that's the way you want
> > to go.  You'll need a c compiler and MySql installed.  I figured out
> > how to do it (so it can't be that hard) when I noticed that
> > mysql-2.7.3 is advertised but doesn't install on my machine and that
> > mysql-2.8 has been available since aug2008.
> > 4) Actually, now that I think of it, maybe we could get someone to add
> > gemspec's to the source, or provide a simple way to do a gem install
> > without a gemspec.  That sounds like option 3, above.
> > Rick
> > On Nov 23, 2:35 pm, Schalk Neethling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hey all,
> >> The problems keep coming. Having upgraded everything and upgraded to
> >> Rails 2.2.2 I now wanted to install the MySQL gem as I am getting the
> >> following error when trying to load up the app.
> >> no such file to load -- mysql
> >> Normally running gem install mysql works with no problems but, now I get
> >> the following:
> >> gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=C:\InstantRails\mysql\bin
> >> Successfully installed mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32
> >> 1 gem installed
> >> Installing ri documentation for mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32...
> >> Installing RDoc documentation for mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32...
> >> ERROR:  While generating documentation for mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32
> >> ... MESSAGE:   Unhandled special: Special: type=17, text="<!-- $Id:
> >> README.html,v 1.20 2006-12-20 05:31:52 tommy Exp $ -->"
> >> ... RDOC args: --op
> >> C:/InstantRails/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32/rdoc
> >> --exclude ext --main README --quiet ext README docs/README.html
> >> (continuing with the rest of the installation)
> >> The last line is misleading because when I go to the mysql folder after
> >> the installation has completed, it is completely empty. Does anyone have
> >> any idea if there are problems with the MySQL 2.7.3 gem? What else could
> >> be going wrong here?
> >> Thanks,
> >> Schalk
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